Alex Zajicek January 25, 2012 Animated Short Genius Cop v1.1 Alex Zajicek January 25, 2012 Animated Short A short animation about a substandard cop just doing his job. (v1.1)
Alex Zajicek January 16, 2012 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short Commentary - "Genius Cop II" Alex Zajicek January 16, 2012 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short Commentary for my animated short "Genius Cop II."
Alex Zajicek December 14, 2011 Film Short The Mystery Club Alex Zajicek December 14, 2011 Film Short A group of students forms a mystery club to solve mysteries in their 4th grade class.
Alex Zajicek September 23, 2011 Film Short Portrait of Your Grandma Alex Zajicek September 23, 2011 Film Short This is a portrait of your grandmother.
Alex Zajicek September 17, 2011 Extras - Film Short, Film Short Extras - "The Majestic Seagull" Alex Zajicek September 17, 2011 Extras - Film Short, Film Short Extras for my short film "The Majestic Seagull."
Alex Zajicek September 17, 2011 Film Short The Majestic Seagull (1 Minute 1 Shot) Alex Zajicek September 17, 2011 Film Short A short satirical documentary about seagulls.
Alex Zajicek July 13, 2011 Animated Short Genius Cop II Alex Zajicek July 13, 2011 Animated Short Genius Cop runs into some trouble-makers. Again.
Alex Zajicek April 30, 2011 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short Commentary - "Genius Cop" Alex Zajicek April 30, 2011 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short Commentary for my animated short "Genius Cop."
Alex Zajicek February 18, 2011 Animated Short Right Where You Do It Alex Zajicek February 18, 2011 Animated Short Little kids say some funny things. If only they knew what they were saying.
Alex Zajicek February 8, 2011 Animated Short Genius Cop Alex Zajicek February 8, 2011 Animated Short A short animation about a substandard cop just doing his job.
Alex Zajicek December 4, 2009 Animated Short Two Lumps Comic (07-09-04) Alex Zajicek December 4, 2009 Animated Short An animated version of the 07-09-04 Two Lumps comic strip.
Alex Zajicek July 25, 2009 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short Extras - "GunDan Episode 1" Alex Zajicek July 25, 2009 Extras - Animated Short, Animated Short A crapload of extras that I couldn't fit into the original GunDan episode.
Alex Zajicek July 8, 2009 Animated Short GunDan Episode 1 Alex Zajicek July 8, 2009 Animated Short The first episode of GunDan.
Alex Zajicek January 25, 2009 Dan Short 1: Homework Alex Zajicek January 25, 2009 Dan runs into a little trouble when working on his homework assignment.
Alex Zajicek December 13, 2008 Animated Short GunDan Teaser Alex Zajicek December 13, 2008 Animated Short A series of animation and sound tests for my future flash series.
Alex Zajicek November 15, 2008 Animated Short First Letter Last Letter Alex Zajicek November 15, 2008 Animated Short An experimental video where each word starts with the last letter of the previous word.
Alex Zajicek November 4, 2008 Animated Short FBF Stick Fight Extended Alex Zajicek November 4, 2008 Animated Short My extended test of a frame-by-frame stick figure fight.
Alex Zajicek October 4, 2008 Animated Short FBF Stick Fight Alex Zajicek October 4, 2008 Animated Short My attempt at frame-by-frame animation, using a generic stick figure fight.
Alex Zajicek July 29, 2008 Animated Short My First Flash Animations Alex Zajicek July 29, 2008 Animated Short My first attempts at using Flash for animation.